Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Contemporary Issues in Evangelical Missiology

In this edition of JEMS, our authors explore a variety of issues in mission and missiology today. Michael Cooper and Matthew Harbour discuss the popular media campaign "He Gets Us," evaluating it from a Christological perspective. Jessica Udall explores hospitality in the majority world and how it may be instructive for life and ministry in the West. Discussing Muslims coming to faith in Christ, Gene Daniels proposes a theology of conversion framed by the motif of migration. Philip Crouse mines Paul's letter to the Ephesians for insights on reconciliation in mission. Exploring church planting, conversion, and discipleship in the German context, Frank Liesen evaluates a tool for transformational discipleship. Engaging theology, history, and some politics, Mark Harlan challenges commonly held thoughts on Christian Zionism. In a piece that has great implications for emotional health and interpersonal relationships, Dave Dunaetz discusses the role of social identity theory. Finally, based on his research of western missionaries serving in Asia, Arthur Lin questions the efficacy of formal theological and missiological education. This issue also includes five reviews of recently published books.

Published: 2023-02-28