Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Evangelical Mission: Reflecting on the Past and Advancing Toward the Future

The Fall 2021 issue of JEMS focuses on mission past and future. From the past, authors explore how the modern Algerian church can benefit from a study of one of its greatest sons, Augustine, as well as a historical survey of the Eucharist that is used to broaden modern understanding of how the Table is a place of mission. Other authors speak to current realities calling missionaries back to biblical understandings of dependance on the Holy Spirit and how suffering and intercession were key means through which the Apostle Paul shared the gospel. The changing culture of urban African youth is used as a paradigm through which to reconsider contextualization in sub-saharan African.  Finally, we celebrate the life of missiologist Robert Priest as well as hear his thoughts on the future of missiology. 

Published: 2021-09-17